Yesterday, while going through all the new information on the Internet, I found a useful pdf file that basically covers few things everyone should learn before going on the Internet.
The file has been developed by Citizens Advice Bureau in UK together with Google. It's called Good to Know: How to be safer on the Internet and manage the information you share online. It provides tips on the following:
Here's a suggested watching: few YouTube videos covering basic online safety tips, including but not limited to password creating advice and what things and why you would want to keep private:
Also, you might want to check out one of my other posts here which deals with common ways a Windows/Mac computer gets infected.
The file has been developed by Citizens Advice Bureau in UK together with Google. It's called Good to Know: How to be safer on the Internet and manage the information you share online. It provides tips on the following:
- How and why you should create strong passwords for accessing your online accounts;
- Why you would want to properly log out and shut down your Internet Browser when you've finished with your Internet session;
- How you can tell a website is safe;
- What is and how to spot phishing;
- How to keep your email accounts safe (Click here for a quick guide on how to send an email);
- How to keep kids safe online;
- What is IP address and why you should know that;
- How searching the web works.
Here's a suggested watching: few YouTube videos covering basic online safety tips, including but not limited to password creating advice and what things and why you would want to keep private:
Also, you might want to check out one of my other posts here which deals with common ways a Windows/Mac computer gets infected.
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